

Sleeping Beauty Story | Sleeping Story For Kids


Sleeping Beauty Fairy Tale Story

Sleeping beauty story with pictures 

Sleeping Beauty original story summary:

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a king and queen who were kind and good. When the queen gave birth to a baby girl, the whole kingdom rejoiced. The king and the queen arranged a great celebration. They asked the seven good fairies of the kingdom to bless the baby. But eight fairies arrived at the feast. The eight fairy was ugly and old, and no one had seen her for years. The king and queen, thinking she was dead, hadn't invited her to take part in the ceremony.

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The fairies are giving their magical presents to the princess.

Soon it was time for the fairies to give the baby princess their magical presents. The first gave her the gift of beauty, the second gave her wisdom. The third fairy said that she would be graceful, the fourth said that she would dance like the wind. The fifth and sixth gave her the gift of music and song, so that she would sing and play like an angel.

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The old fairy is giving a Bad prayer to princess. The King and Queen are sad.

Just before the seventh fairy stepped up to give the princess her gift, the eighth fairy stepped ahead of her. "The princess," she cackled, "will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel - and die!"

In front of king and the Queen The seventh fairy is giving her present to princess. sleeping beauty story,sleeping beauty story for kids,sleeping beauty,sleeping beauty original story,fairy tales,sleeping beauty short story,the sleeping beauty,aurora sleeping beauty, short disney stories,  disney fairy tales, disney princess, bedtime stories disney,

In front of king and the Queen The seventh fairy is giving

her present to princess.

Everyone in the room was horrified, and the queen began to cry. But then the seventh fairy came forward. "Here is my gift," she said, "the princess will not die. Instead, when she will prick her finger, she will fall asleep for a hundred years. At the end of that time, a prince will come to wake her up." The king and queen were relieved, but even so they ordered every spinning wheel in the kingdom to be destroyed. They couldn't bear to think of anything hurting their daughter. The years passed and the princess grew into a lovely young girl, as wise, beautiful, and graceful as the fairies had promised.

On the day of her sixteenth birthday, she was wandering through the castle when she came to a small room in a tall tower. Inside, an old woman was spinning thread. "My dear," cackled the old woman, "Come here and try this for yourself." As soon as the princess's hand touched the spindle, she pricked her finger and fell to the floor in a deep sleep.

When they discovered their daughter, the king and queen were heartbroken, for they knew that she would not wake for a hundred years. They called for the palace guards, who gently laid the sleeping princess on a golden stretcher and carried her to the royal bedchamber. There they placed her on a bed with silken pillows and velvet covers. The king and queen watched over her and cried.

"Oh, my dear," said the queen to her husband, "what will we do without our darling daughter?" The fairy who had saved the princess's life heard what had happened. Worried that the princess would wake up in a world where she knew no one, she cast a spell over the whole castle. Everyone, from the guards and the kitchen maids to the gardeners and the cooks - even the princess's pet horse - fell into a deep, deep sleep.

Then the fairy made tall trees and sharp, twisting brambles grow around the castle, surrounding it with a thick thorny wall that no one could get through. Only the very tops of the castle's towers could be seen.

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The prince from a nearby land is on out riding. when he saw the castle he is asking some of the country people about it.

And so a hundred years went by. One day, a prince from a nearby land was out riding when he saw the tops of the castle tower rising from the middle of the thick, dark wood. He asked some of the country people about it, and they told him the story of the Sleeping Beauty.

"Many people have wanted to get through those thorns, "they told him, "but they have all died trying."

The prince was determined to be the one who succeeded. He set off toward the mysterious castle. To the prince's amazement, the thorny brambles and the twisting branches of the dark trees let him pass through easily. He reached the castle door, and went inside.

The prince walked through many halls and chambers where people and animals slept as if they were dead. He searched every room and chamber, until he found the very one where the beautiful princess slept.

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"Is it you, my prince?" The princess said when she saw the prince, "

have waited such a long time for you!"

"Oh, princess!" he cried, "you are more beautiful than the most delicate rose that ever grew." The prince moved quietly toward the sleeping princess and gazed down at her lovingly. He gently took her hand in his hands. Instantly the princess's eyes opened. "Is it you, my prince?" she said when she saw him, " have waited such a long time for you!" At that moment the spell was broken. and everyone else in the castle woke up, too. That evening, the princess's sixteenth birthday was celebrated with a joyous party - just a hundred years too late! The princess and her prince danced together all evening, and soon after, they were married. They lived together in happiness for many, many years.

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