

The Wolf's Hide Story | Alpha wolf

The Wolf's Hide


    Short stories 

The wolf started thinking to hunt the goat in such a way that the shepherd could not know.
The wolf started thinking to hunt the goat in such a way that the shepherd could not know.

Once there lived a cunning wolf in a big, dense forest. One day the wolf came out of the forest in search of hunt. He saw a flock of ats there. His mouth filled with water when he saw the goats. The wolf started thinking to hunt the goat in such a way that the shepherd could not know.

The wolf has wore the hide of a sheep placed near.
The wolf has wore the hide of a sheep placed near. 

Suddenly he saw the hide of a sheep placed near. He took the hide and put on and monologued "Wow! I have become sheep where as I am a wolf. Now I can easily hunt by joining the goat's flock.” After a while the wolf went to the flock, took a goat and ate that by hiding at the back of a tree. After eating his hunt the wolf thought that was a brilliant idea. I did not do any effort and got an excellent hunt. Next day the wolf reached that place again and ate another goat from the flock. Now the wolf made it routine. He daily put on the sheep's hide and reached the same place to eat a new goat.

The Shepherd is felt that his goats started to lessen.
The Shepherd is felt that his goats started to lessen.

After few days, the Shepherd felt that his goats started to lessen. He got too much worried. But till the time he could not know the reason behind his goats disappearance. One day, some guests arrived at shepherd's home. He caught a healthy sheep from the flock with the help of his friend and said, "I think we should slaughter this sheep today because it is healthy enough to serve a all the guests." When the wolf in hide heard about the slaughter he tried to run.

The shepherd is seeing the hide of sheep on the Wolf's body fell down.
The shepherd is seeing the hide of sheep on the Wolf's body fell down.

Suddenly the hide of sheep on the Wolf's body fell down. When the shepherd saw the wolf he said "Stop! You rascal, it's you who daily eat my goats.” By saying this the shepherd ran after the wolf and caught him at some distance. By feeling helpless the wolf apologised to the shepherd but he did not forgive him. He beat the wolf a lot with the flock stick.

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